Our partners
Pathology & Oncology Research is the official journal of the Arányi Lajos Foundation. It is an interdisciplinary journal at the interface of pathology and oncology, including pre-clinical and translational research, diagnostics and therapy.
Acta Virologica is the official journal of the Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (BMC SAS). The international journal of predominantly molecular and cellular virology was established in 1957, and highlights fundamental research mainly on human, animal and plant viruses.
The Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences is the official journal of the Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences. It is a broad-spectrum, peer-reviewed, international pharmaceutical journal first established in 1998 - the first open access journal in its field.
Official journal of the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF), Dystonia aims to be the leading journal in the field by publishing open access premier research on all basic, clinical and translational aspects of the dystonias.
The Journal of Abdominal Wall Surgery is the official journal of the European Hernia Society. The journal aims to shine a spotlight on the scientific research in the field of abdominal wall surgery.
European Journal of Cultural Management and Policy is the official journal of the European Network on Cultural Management and Policy (ENCATC) and publishes cutting-edge research in the fields of cultural management and policy.
Transplant International is the official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) and one of the world’s leading journals on transplantation research.
Official journal of the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS), the British Journal of Biomedical Science is a leading journal in the biomedical science field.
Advances in Drug and Alcohol Research is the official journal of the International Drug Abuse Research Society (IDARS) and the International Narcotics Research Conference (INRC).
Journal of Cutaneous Immunology Allergy is the official journal of the Japanese Society for Cutaneous Immunology and Allergy. The JSCIA covers a wide range of diseases such as contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, drug eruption, occupational skin diseases, food allergy, and collagen diseases, and basic research on skin immunity and allergies.
Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice is affiliated with the Odessa Centre. The Odessa Centre Ltd. was founded in 2003 in England by two social anthropologists, Carol Kerven and Roy Behnke. They seek to apply the results of empirical field research for a clearer understanding of appropriate policy and practical measures. Between doing research, employment and consultancy, they straddle boundaries across different fields and spheres of interest within the field of pastoralism.
Acta Biochimica Polonica (ABP) is the official journal of the Polish Biochemical Society. The journal publishes open access premier research on enzymology and metabolism, membranes and bioenergetics, gene structure and expression, protein, nucleic acid and carbohydrate structure and metabolism.
Experimental Biology and Medicine is the official journal of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine.
The Spanish Journal of Soil Science is the official journal of the Spanish Society of Soil Science (SECS). The journal aims to publish original, innovative, and high-quality scientific papers related to field and laboratory research on all basic and applied aspects of Soil Science.
Public Health Reviews (PHR) and the International Journal of Public Health (IJPH) are the official journals of the Swiss School of Public Health.
Aerospace Research Communications is the official journal of Zhejiang University Press (ZJUP) and aims to publish cutting-edge research in the field of aerospace science and engineering.