Promote your research
your article
Once your article is published, it is vitally important to share and promote your work to enhance the exchange of scientific knowledge. Your published work should be read, built upon, critiqued, and acknowledged.
If you have any questions, or would like any help in promoting your article, please contact the Editorial Office.
You can find some recommendations for how to share your article below.
All articles are published under the CC-BY Creative Commons attribution license (the current version is CC-BY, version 4.0). This means that as the author you retain the copyright, and the content is free to download, distribute, and adapt for commercial or non-commercial purposes, given appropriate attribution to the original article. The easiest way to share your work is with a simple link to the article webpage.
Enjoy the benefits of gold open access publishing
Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Weibo; wherever you view other author's work, make sure you also share your work there. If you can see their work, it's likely they could see yours. Keep your message short, snappy, ask a question, and share a graphical abstract or article figure to make it stand out. Don't forget to tag your co-authors, your institution, or the journal so we can help spread the word!
Social Media
To expand the reach of your article, consider asking your institution to help promote your article. Institutions often have press teams who are always on the lookout for recently published work to promote.
If you’re part of a society, they may also be interested in promoting your work. Speak to them about a spot in their next newsletter.
Engage with your institution or society
Adding a link in your email signature to a recently published article is a simple, yet effective way to draw attention to your work.